Wednesday, 26 September 2012

$65 million to marry daughter

Thanks to billionaire Hong Kong property developer Cecil Chao Sze-tsung, every heterosexual male of the world (within reason) now has a chance to become $65 million richer—and gain a beautiful bride in the

Apparently disconcerted that his 33-year-old daughter, Gigi Chao, ran off to France in April and become the wife of her girlfriend of seven years, Sean Eav, Mr. Chao Sze-tsung has offered a $65 million bounty to any straight man who is able to seduce Gigi and win her heart.

As a concerned father, Cecil Chao Sze-tsung insists on some basic qualifications for candidates seeking his daughter’s, to avoid a more explicit term, hand: “I don’t mind whether he is rich or poor. The important thing is that he is generous and kind-hearted.”

Chao Sze-tsung’s proffered jackpot may seem distasteful, as if it were a form of pimping out his daughter’s reproductive rights, but objections to the businessman’s ploy pale in comparison to the outrage elicited by courtship rituals around the world.

Arranged child marriages, for instance, are enough of a global norm, especially in Africa and southern Asia, that Mr. Chao Sze-tsung’s $65 million would be far more well spent in financing groups working toward eradicating the practice
