Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Foods That Fight Fatigue

Lean Protein

  • Lean protein contain an amino acid that helps fight emotional fatigue by promoting a calm feeling, according to Psychology Today. Foods with large amounts of protein also promote attentiveness and
    alertness. Protein can also help keep hunger at bay so that you do not experience a dip in energy too quickly after eating. Lean protein meats consist of chicken, sirloin and fish. Vegetarian options include black beans, tofu and soy milk.

Whole-grain Bread

  • Whole-grain bread will help fight fatigue if eaten in the morning. After sleeping through the night, the brain needs fuel. Carbohydrates provides energy to the brain. Whole-grain bread boosts your metabolism in the morning and gives your body energy for the rest of the day, according to The Better Health Channel. Make sure the bread says 100 percent whole grain so that you know none of the nutrients have been stripped away.


  • Yogurt contains probiotics, a good bacteria for the system. Probiotics help restore a normal balance of bacteria in the body. Reuters Health suggests that regular probiotic use helps chronic fatigue because it encourages health in the immune system. Eat plain yogurt or yogurt that contains a small amount of sugar in order to avoid sugar dips throughout the day.


  • Spinach contains a high amount of iron which helps fight fatigue. The Better Health Channel suggests that many people struggle with iron deficiency, which causes problems with alertness. Buy organic spinach to avoid pesticides. Eat 2 cups of raw spinach or 1 cup of cooked spinach a day for optimal iron intake.
