Saturday, 6 October 2012

SF nudity ban

Responding to proposed legislation that would ban nudity in public in San Francisco, nudists are planning to rally against the legislation later this month in the Castro.
Already 73 people have indicated via the Facebook page for the protest that they plan to attend. The Nude
In is scheduled to take place from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, October 20 at Jane Warner Plaza. The parklet is on
17th Street at the corner of Market and Castro Streets.
“Lets rally together in our jock straps, chaps, or whatever shows your ass in public. Nudity welcomed,” wrote organizers.
As the Bay Area Reporter has been reporting since September, gay District 8 Supervisor Scott Wiener wants to require people to be clothed on city streets, sidewalks, parklets, Muni vehicles and transit stations. His legislation, which he officially introduced this week, would exempt street fairs and parades.
The rule change has divided the city’s LGBT community, with opponents calling it an attack on civil liberties and San Francisco’s liberal ethos. Supporters complain the nudists have crossed the line into indecency and lewd behavior and need to be banned.
It is expected that the Board of Supervisors will begin debating what is being called “Wiener’s law” sometime in November. 
