Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Disneyland Explosion Prompts Toontown Evacuation

Disneyland Explosion , Reports are coming in from Twitter than there was an explosion in Toontown at the Disneyland Resort.
@theallenwolf seems to be breaking this story via twitter and is responsible for the picture above.
It came from a trash can next to the trolley stop in the middle of Toontown. Everyone stopped and looked around when it happened. @KTLA also shared the news via it’s twitter feed.
As of right now I have no other news other than Disneyland is evacuating and should have more details soon. For now follow @theallenwolf for more info.
evacuation seems orderly, no panic nor injuries reported. “Explosion” may be too strong of a word to describe event.
#disneyland explosion caused by dry ice in a soda bottle.