Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Hitler billboard

Hitler billboard, A billboard along the 405 Freeway in Southern California freeway is generating all sorts of buzz. But the cause of the attention does not exactly align with the intended effect. That’s because a number of people are
saying the new JCPenny tea kettle bears a striking resemblance to Adolf Hitler. The tea kettle in question is formerly known as the “Bells and Whistles Stainless Steel Tea Kettle” and is part of JCPenny’s Michael Graves-designed kitchenware line.
CBS LA reports that the billboard has caught the attention of some Reddit users who say the curvature of the handle resembles the hairline of the former Nazi leader.
“I stare at this from my office building every day and now I can tell my co-workers that I’m not the only one who saw the Hitler in the bells and whistles sign!” wrote user Tishacombs.
In fact, a number of commenters are actually suggesting that the company intentionally made the tea kettle resemble Hitler just to stir up attention. That, of course, makes very little sense. But it hasn’t stopped people from speculating.
“Well, look at us - we're all looking at and sharing a picture of an advertisement,” writes user LevTolstoy. If it was done on purpose to get people's attention, but keep the ability to deny doing it on purpose, it's brilliant.”
Of course, most people aren’t taken the billboard too seriously. Americablog author John Aravosis says he thinks it actually looks more like the Eric Cartman character from “South Park” dressed as Hitler. Which, given Cartman’s endless series of anti-Semetic commentary might actually make more sense.
JCPenney has yet to comment on the advertisement Perhaps they are letting the product speak for itself. After all, the tea kettle is currently getting overwhelmingly positive reviews from customers on the JCPenny website.

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