Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Beaver kills fisherman

Beaver kills fisherman, A 60-year-old fisherman died after he was bitten by a Beaver in an Eastern European country.
The incident happened in Lake Shestakov in Belarus, bordered by Russia while the man was on a fishing trip with some friends.
The Daily Telegraph reports the aquatic animal was seen on the side of the road when it was
approached by the man and two of his friends. When he tried taking a photograph with the animal, he was bitten twice in the thigh.The bite cut an artery in the man's leg that continuously bled out. His friends tried slowing down the flow of blood, but were unable to keep him from bleeding to death.
Attacks from the second largest rodents in the world are rare and only rabid ones go for human, according to experts.
A deputy head of an environmental protection committee said: "People have lost fingers - that's the worst I've come across. The beaver is not normally aggressive, but it does have big teeth and immensely powerful jaws; it can cut down a tree three feet wide," UK's Telegraph reports.