Lohan wants out
Lohan wants out , of Betty Ford after
docs take away her Adderall, Lindsay Lohan is planning her escape from
The Betty Ford Center because doctors at the world famous drug treatment
center have taken away her supply of Adderall.
Lohan takes the drug for her ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder) but Betty Ford's doctors prefer to treat the ailment with
non-addictive Adderall alternatives, according to TMZ.
One of the reasons doctors get their patients off Adderall is that they
believe many Hollywood stars use the drug as a weight-control drug.
The change in drug regiment has not gone down well with the "Mean Girls"
star who is now searching for a rehab that will let her keep her
precious ADHD meds.
There is no word yet on what Los Angeles Superior Court Judge James
Dabney will make of Lohan's planned escape after the judge ordered the
troubled actress to attend 90-days of locked-down rehab.
Lohan checked into Betty Ford last week to start her 3-month stay in
rehab but an interview with Piers Morgan appeared shortly thereafter
which outlined just how hard a time Betty Ford's workers will have in
getting Lohan to give up her hard partying lifestyle.
“I’ve been court-ordered to do it six times. I could write the book on
rehab. Constantly sending me to rehab is pointless. The first few times I
was court-ordered to rehab it was like a joke, like killing time,"
Lohan told Morgan.
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